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Whatta weird day. Slept late because I was just totally wound last night. couldn’t figure out this morning why the cats were stomping around all over me – ooops – no Ron to have already fed them! poor starving kitties.

Made a phone call, faxed a letter. Umpteen telemarketing calls and some more hang ups. That’s getting really old. The phone rings and I was ready to say something nasty to the next telemarketer.

Nope -it’s a nice fellow from Apple, in California! 20 minutes or so of phone interview ensues. Fun but nerve wracking. Guess it’s one of those things that it’s better not to fret about ahead of time. But! He says I’ll be hearing from the fellow who is doing the face to face interview. YEAH!

Then I talk with Pat for awhile. Then I chat with Mr Merrill for awhile. Go out and try to start the lawn mower. Nope. Grrrrrr.

Ron calls from the Tetons to say hi. They’re going climbing/hiking tomorrow. Sounds like it’s going ok out there but he didn’t expect to be on his own teaching CPR. Once he was over the shock of it, he was ok.

Even got a walk in today – so now it’s time for me to hit the hay!

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