Monday, off and not so bad

Went to PT this morning, and when the therapist asked me how I was doing, I turned my back to her and put my hands, palms out, in the small of my back.

“Show off!”

“OK then, how do you like this?” I asked, crossing my arms across the front of me in a very back-off sort of way. I’m going to use that to reclaim my personal space and hopefully keep people from grabbing and hitting my shoulders. Seriously.

Anyway, she was quite pleased, added weight to more of what I’ve been doing, increased me a notch in the stretchy band dept (and when I told her they’d started me with a green band in the other place she was like, no wonder you were so hurting!) and suggested I try going without icing afterwards.

So after a week or so of serious muttering about all this, feels like a little progress.

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