What to do when you need a distraction

I’d left my laptop at home this morning – afterall, what are the chances of needing it at the dentist? right?

Well I didn’t need it there, and oh what an adventure that was… but I had a couple hours to kill this morning and I could have used it. I had what everyone can use though – moleskine and pen so I got some productive NaNoWriMo stuff done at B&N.

After that, I tried to get into the holiday shopping state of mind but it just wasn’t happening. I walked around watching all the people who were like “I’ll take that and those and this here and this whole pile of stuff” standing shoulder to shoulder with the other people who totally work the B&N discounts, sales, membership and whatever.

Anyway, the only thing I found of interest was a big waterproof map of just London, Southern England, Wales and Cornwall. Wait, you mean I can’t zoom in on this paper map? LOL we’re so spoiled by digital maps!

And tonight I worked on my current travel plans… I needed the computer for that too, LOL.

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One Response to What to do when you need a distraction

  1. Betty Frezon says:

    The trip is shaping up. Exciting.

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