Take back our country…

…because stuff like this needs to stop and stop now, not because of politics or anything more than: it’s not the right thing to do.

There’s no book in which crap like this is right. It’s not what our country was founded on and it’s not what we want to be now. I’m talking about all the normal people who are doing their best to live each day, honestly and hoping that tomorrow will be even just a little bit better.

Keep protesting the recent terrible events that underscore the racism we must continue to fight. Put our police back into their proper role of protecting and serving and remove this “us vs them” mentality. Tell everyone and your elected officials that we’re not going to put up with this anymore.

There have been times when I thought, well I can’t really do anything about all this stuff or I can’t fight these big players, but that’s gotta change for me and I hope for you. My country is not a country that will torture people like this and go to war on a stack of lies. We’re not a country where the legislatures don’t seriously consider all options before them to develop and choose the BEST things for everyone in the country. Because that’s their job – to represent the citizens and do their best for the whole country.

As someone who lived through the scary Nixon days, lived through Agnew, lived through the impeachment process and the resignation and the transition… I’m having a few flashbacks. Some of these guys might not be in elected positions now, but they all need to be dealt with. They need to be an example to ourselves and the world that we’re not about this stuff. We’re better than this and we deserve better in our government but we need to make it happen.

This is not us.

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