Re-visiting and editing

At lunch there was no internet, so after I finished my sandwich I popped up the 2012 NaPoWriMo poems and made an edit file of the month of poems. Started reading and they made me smile. I am making some tweaks and then I’ll save.

I don’t think I’m thinking the big thoughts that I’m hearing from the Yale Modern Poetry professor but what can you do? I’m not Ezra Pound or T.S. Eliot or any of those guys. I’m just me, scribbling down poems, that April mostly about fairy visitors.

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2 Responses to Re-visiting and editing

  1. Betty says:

    You did progress. No internet at work must be hard. Not a good thing.

  2. AJ says:

    Fairy visits are always good! Can you see the progress you’ve made?

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