Closer still….

Made a long long push to level up and did! But it was long. Did the training, cleared out all the big-time loot that I had picked up while getting all that experience points. Now what? T’paw off doing Scarlet Monastery with group, no one else around….. I know — I’ll take The Retribution Live Tour out on the road! Where? Uldaman!

So I hopped a gryphon and headed over there. Knocked off a lot of things on the way in…. ran ahead of a group of undead characters so they could play without me getting in the way…. and then I went into an instance – all by myself. It was certainly familiar to me. This was the first place I’d ever been summoned to, and how I met my regular gang. But! I’d never been in charge of getting around in there. No matter. I had no quests, only my agenda: kill anything that even had thought about killing me.

And I did. I had so much loot that I had to stop and throw away the odd scorpid claw and bat wing spine. Back in my earlier days I didn’t know so much about area of effect things but that door has been opened of late and so I went in looking for scorpids- huge scorpion like things that run in packs and poison you and nip at you…. But they were mine!

They weren’t the hardest group I encountered (that would be the three 40+ elite guys at the very end, one a caster who was resisting a few of my spells…) but it cheered me that these had been so scary then and now — not so much. Exciting as all get out though!

And then it was on to Scarlet Monastery with T’paw who needed to finish a quest. I got into an area of it I’d not been in before and it was more than hairy and ok, we both died once – mostly from surprise when a big crowd of bad guys rushed us. BIG crowd! But we tried again and pulled it off.

That’s the report from the World!

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