Day off. Off day

I now have a cool strip of LED lights illuminating my rear license plate. For another $199 I could have had tinted glass, thanks but maybe another day.

Sometimes the answer to problem A isn’t solution A.

Rather than replacing what was there with the exact same thing at an inordinate cost, there were a few other possibilities and I went with one of them. But it got me thinking about the sort of mechanics who would look over a problem and scratch their head and say something like, “I don’t have the part but I can rig up this other thing and it will work just fine.”

Remember those guys? Hmmm wonder if THIS would work instead of THAT? Maybe if we replace this wire and see if the connection is better. Maybe we could…

Yeah those guys.

Then there are the guys who think – aww, what does SHE know? I’m the guy, so I’ll tell her THIS and she’ll just do it. Because I’m the expert. No big deal.

So it was one of those days. I thought it would be a pleasant day off with a few insignificant chores to tick off the list. Instead it was rough sailing under the “No Crazies” flag. A couple times I felt like I should have tied myself to the mast. Quick layover tonight and then heading back out tomorrow.

It’s tiring. Even if it’s just saying ‘no’ over and over again. Tiring. Talk to the hand.

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One Response to Day off. Off day

  1. Betty frezon(mom) says:

    Yes some day. But thanks for stopping for a quilt consult. I am glad the light thing got resolved. Now inspection and all is good.

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