Day 23, NaPoWriMo

The Poet and the Sonnet,

as suggested by today’s prompt, although I’ve been working mostly with sonnets all month! Did you notice?

Days of writing down words – who shall read them?
Lay them out, line after line, save the file.
Post them to the web, share them on facebook,
include the link. Add a photo, why not?
Join a group, admire the work of others.
Go to a poetry slam and listen
wondering if your words aren’t loud enough.
People nod opaquely while you share yours.
Read your heroes: Dickinson, Frost, Collins
and despair of the subtle humor there
the worldly wisdom flying from words
the way words lay inky on the pages.
Write down one hundred forty syllables
Put everything there, all of you, then, more.

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One Response to Day 23, NaPoWriMo

  1. Betty Mom says:

    Love it and love the baby kittie.

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