Wishful thinking

Soon I’ll be learning some new software. Some of it will be updated versions of things I’ve used previously. Some will be all-new to me. When I will do this is a completely separate issue.

However, I’ve been looking online for tutorial info as well as looking at the range of book products that are out there and the info available is vast. That’s not to mention the built-in help that comes with software and on accompanying CDs.

This has made me a little more aware of some of the phrases I read daily: “I wish…” “I want to set up a…” “Can I…” Wishing, wanting and wondering if you can is all good. What’s often underneath those thoughts is the infamous “a miracle happens here” thinking. Sometimes it’s not too far underneath either!

So more like “I wish I would wake up and my business would have an award-winning website with shopping cart.” Or, “Can I get you or someone else to set that up for free while I watch or think of other things?” Or my favorite, “I’m an artist so why do I have to think about that, what did you call it, marketing plan?”

It’s ok. Just a small rant. I read all this stuff all the time all over the web. Wish away. And then, maybe a google search or trip to your local bookstore. You can do it. I have every faith.

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