The Eve of NaNoWriMo (aka Halloween)

Yup, it’s that time again when words fly, charts grow, pencils get gnawed, and a writer’s mind turns to – well, how can I get 1667 words down today?

I was off today and I set myself some chores to do. I cut down part of a tree using my new reciprocating saw (battery-powered no less! I had a nice coat of sawdust!) and put down the last storm windows and even threw a load of wash in. I fiddled with my monopod/walking stick (still too big to go in the main suitcase) and then the smaller tripod (yes, the quick release head will go on it but it could use a washer underneath it).

Then Mom and I agreed that dinner and The Voice would be a good way to spend the evening so that’s just what we did. Then I went off to join the other WriMo’s at Denny’s. They were running pre-NaNoWriMo sprints so I fiddled with photos and now I’m doing a pre-midnight blog entry.

Earlier today before all the chores and stuff, I took a detour and saw things like this:

Click here for the other few photos.

Valor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure whether they have it till the test comes. And those having it in one test never know for sure if they will have it when the next test comes. — Carl Sandburg

This entry was posted in clouds, In the neighborhood, NaNoWriMo, photography, process, taking time to look and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to The Eve of NaNoWriMo (aka Halloween)

  1. AJ says:

    A new reciprocating saw?! Jealous! Your chores and detour are admirable! Good luck with the packing of the monopod/walking stick. Are you cutting it or segmenting it or taking some other approach?

    All the best with NaNoWriMo, especially while on your adventure!

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