Mother’s Day, Day Off

I had dinner with mom after work last night and she suggested that I go painting today. But it’s Mother’s Day, you know… Nope, she was pretty sure I should go painting if the weather held. So in her honor I took the new pochade box and all the gear and found the little Hand Hollow Conservation area in New Lebanon.

Right at the split of Hand Hollow Rd (?) and County 9, it was nicely marked, had a little parking area and trail maps and a nice pond with a couple picnic tables. Perfect for setting up the tripod and box. Because it rained buckets last night I used my beach backrest as a dry seat (because you know, wooden picnic table benches…). It was brisk so my black cap was welcome, as was the thermos.

Three cars pulled up while I was there, folks getting out and stretching their legs on a beautiful afternoon. The trail information talks about what to do if you come upon a bear – do not approach! make a lot of noise! – but all I saw was a pair of Canadian geese and small birds.

I tried very hard to channel the Brits and splash in washes to help define areas. I was not dismayed when the gray sky , which I’d painted rather well, turned beautiful and blue. I was more than glad to change that around. I was sorry no one wandered by to look over my shoulder while I was merrily dashing the initial washes about.

This entry was posted in clouds, Do the Work, en plein air, In the neighborhood, the creative process, watercolor and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Mother’s Day, Day Off

  1. Betty Frezon Mom says:

    Your work fascinates me. I am more than impressed with your progress in different technics. Very proud in what you do. So lucky that you share all this so freely with me.
    A very proud Mom that you went and finally got to use your box. You always make everyday Mother’s Day. Thank you for those gifts you share.

  2. AJ says:

    Lovely gifts, Mary Beth! (Take that as many ays as you can think of!)

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