That Whooshing Sound was July

I’ve been trying to upload photos to post here and failing. I’ve been getting ready for the 11th Annual August Poetry Postcard Fest 2017, scanning watercolors and printing postcard fronts and trying to get into a more wordy state of mind. I’ve been trying to hold my own against the forces of evil in the world. I’ve been trying to figure out when to get my car’s oil changed. I’ve been trying to figure out the new GoPro camera I got as a video and backup camera for an upcoming trip. So, you know, busy. I might have killed a few orcs along the way.

I’ve been chasing clouds:

First, very “limited palette” sky with very dramatic darks:

clouds 24 july 2017

That dark sky reminded me of this and vice versa while I was scanning this watercolor for digital and postcard use.

stormy clouds, watercolor by Mary Beth Frezon

Last night’s sunset in the next post.

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One Response to That Whooshing Sound was July

  1. Audrey Gorman says:

    That whooshing sound was my head spinning from your July! Great stuff! Can I beg a couple of painting postcards?

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