words and more words

Does it seem like I’m reading more these days? That might be. It also seems that any creative bit of me is coming out as words too but more on that another day.

I like to start reading the NYTimes Magazine before the weekend – prolongs the pleasure and frees up some weekend time too. This weekend’s has a piece in Lives by Krista McGruder about her experience living in an illegal sublet and waking up to an intruder. All ends well but I love this passage:

What does any woman want? Before you address the specifics, the generalities must be considered. Generally, what a woman wants includes: a lover with whom to draw a warm bath; a closet stuffed with pretty dresses; a scale that subtracts seven pounds; a bank account that speaks to her usefulness; a dog to comfort her; and a burly cowboy who drives the bad guys the hell out of Dodge.

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