Martini, extra olives, rocks

Today was one of the worst days at work I can ever remember so I thought it would be a good day to recall my first martini.

Quite a number of years ago, in a job a few jobs ago, I had a terrible terrible day at work. Terrible. I also had a dreadful headache to go with it all.

Circumstances and some encouragement from a co-worker conspired to put me into the office, nay – inner sanctum, of all-powerfulness. The place where, it turned out, my co-workers went to get away from it all and hang with the bigwigs and to enjoy themselves.

Who knew?

I walked in with this less-senior guy and the office owner looked up and said – have a bit? to my co-worker and then looked at me.  What have you?, I asked.  Martini?

I’d never had one but I figured, what the heck! So out of a finely chilled container, drawn from a bottom desk drawer came a shaker, a beverage container and soon I had an icy beverage in my hand. I sipped. Heaven. I had no experience with gin then, but I appreciated the herbal overtones.  And in a moment my headache had disappeared.  In another moment or two the day didn’t seem so terrible.

While I still consider a martini to be serious stuff, the good news is that I find them to be just as therapeutic as that first sip.  And so tonight – my headache has eased and my caring about anything work-related as well. Plus – olives – good for you and your heart and a nice salty snack to boot, eh?

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