The big bang

I was going to type “stands for goodness” but actually the big bang last night made all my hair stand up on end, made the power go off for a long moment and made two of the three cats invisible for a couple of hours. I had been reading facebook comments about distant heat lightning and after awhile I could hear distant thunder. Closer…. closer… closer… close…. 1… 2… 3…. 4…. 5…. closer. !!BANG!! Big flash AND BOOM all at the same time. Eeks. I unplugged in the moment that the power was out – computer and backup drive. Went upstairs and got into bed with the lone visible cat. At one point had to close the freaking window because of blowing rain. Not what I wanted to do when it was still 80+F and humid as all get out. I had rigged a little fan in my room so it was bearable during the night.

This morning was quite pleasant and with three cats. I went to work and left the computer unplugged.

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