World Watercolor Month Day #21

I seemed a little early tonight as I drove home so rather than stopping in East Greenbush, I headed a short way past home to the Massachusetts state line, just past New Lebanon NY. I tried painting some of the already interesting clouds (hard – very hot, humid and windy meant things dried quickly or not at all. Soon there was an unexpected crowd to watch the sunset so I set aside paper and paint after a bit and took the photos linked below.

It was an interesting crowd. One woman offered me her glasses to give me a different amazing view of the sunset… uh, no thank you? A couple arrived early on, sat in the car talking to someone on the phone and then got out to look at the sunset. They were apparently finishing up a second date and I’m just speculating there was some drinking with dinner… but hey.

Here are the unedited photos from tonight, gawkers and all

sunset 21 july 2019

This entry was posted in clouds, Do the Work, In the neighborhood, photography, sunsets, taking time to look, the creative process, watercolor, world watercolor month and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to World Watercolor Month Day #21

  1. Pingback: World Watercolor Month Day #21 |

  2. Betty Frezon says:

    Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful.

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