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OK – let’s be clear on this. I don’t like jigsaw puzzles. Not for any particular reason and not because I wouldn’t like to. They just make me run screaming from the room every time I try to participate.

So why wasn’t it painfully obvious that I needed a little more than just simple lettering — A, B…. G — to reassemble the pieces going around my coat of arms. Drew up the design, lettered the pieces (symmetrical mirror image design), cut my templates apart and ironed them to the fabric.

that’s when the fun began. the letters were in order, top to bottom, but how the heck did they go together? which pieces went on which side. What was I thinking???? I finally did get one side “assembled” – that is, pinned together so I knew how it went, — but I was exhausted and went to bed. what the heck was I thinking.

and what’s more, I could think of at least a handful of things I could have done to prevent all this megillah. The fact that I only thought of it after it was too late is probably the reason why I only do applique rarely and never in quantity.

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