Blown around town

Just a note – blogger isn’t playing well with many folks, myself included, so expect intermittant posts. Check here for posts if you think I’m snoozing. Might have to send in the troops to straighten those folks out in the meantime.

Batten down the hatches! Nature is sweeping things clean today so everything will be nice and tidy for winter. Right?

My constant companion – my camera – had to go for a vacation in New Jersey, so I can’t show you right now the new fabric I got for the new quilt that’s percolating. I’ll get out my older camera in awhile and see how that goes.

Meanwhile I’ve been doing some house stuff, with mixed results. Oh well.

Nature’s doing a good job though. If I hadn’t mowed Friday I wouldn’t have had to do anything about the leaves anyway.

And in my downstairs report, the worms are doing pretty darn good. They seem to be munching everything I’ve given them and Fortune will be glad to know – they just gobble up coffee grounds. All good!

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