Life and Imitation (Game)

After work yesterday I stuck around the mall for The Imitation Game. I avoided the gazillion or so people in the angry crowd waiting to buy tickets for whatever, standing outside the mob edge to get my ticket via Fandango so I could go off, get a nosh and then return to get my phone scanned and in we go, Bob’s your uncle!

The movie was excellent. The theater was mostly filled and the audience enjoyed laughing with the characters and gasped and reacted throughout the whole film. The depiction of British life during the war, the war itself, the flash backs and forward all wove around a story of characters doing what it takes to get it done. I enjoyed the beautiful filming, the lighting, the way I could stop seeing the actors and believe in the characters. I felt it was a wonderful gem of storytelling and film-making. Sad at almost every turn, it was full of the good moments that get you through hard times and even crushing times, until there’s nothing more to do but lie down and get crushed.

You know it’s a good movie when people are talking about it as they leave and when they stay in the theater during the credits to talk about it.

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One Response to Life and Imitation (Game)

  1. Betty Frezon says:

    Sounds wonderful.

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