Friday in New Zealand

We were up and out pretty early for us – had a couple errands to do, a scenic overlook to view,

a friend to meet at the Wellington Library for lunch and chat and then some Wellington sightseeing to do (hello cable car!)

including the Wellington Museum. The museum was super – very interactive and informational and well, this guy was near where we came in.

We walked around outside the museum, enjoying the harbor and the people and the exterior of the museum – very boat-like I thought, with some waves thrown in. Then it was off to the Wellington Airport because, well because:

And then we had a lovely dinner at a Mexican restaurant with two of Marge’s sons and their wives and grandson. Good time had by all! Much good food and conversation. We came home and had some more chat about our travels and traveling and now it is time for some sleep.

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3 Responses to Friday in New Zealand

  1. Betty Frezon says:

    How wonderful. Sounds like a great lead up to the end of this unbelievable trip. Have another great day today. Both of you also need to pack etc.. Love

  2. Clea says:

    Those are amazing sculptures. (Sculptures, right?). I especially like your shot of Gollum and the fish.

    • Mary Beth Frezon says:

      Yes the Defiler was from the Weta folks and there were some dwarf costumes at the airport and elf costumes at the museum too, on loan.

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