Yvonne Porcella

“I’ve only ever used three blocks in my quilting career, I don’t know anything else and I don’t care to learn anything else and I managed to parlay those three blocks into museum quality quilts.” — Yvonne Porcella (who goes on to say she’s never won a quilt show ribbon (and yet has a quilt that was purchased by the Smithsonian.))

Boy do I remember first seeing Yvonne Porcella’s quilts with all those pure bright solid colors and black and white, stripes and checkerboards and abstract shapes. So modern, so from her. So freeing and inspiring! Such a contrast to the quilts of the day.

She died this week and leaves a huge legacy for us. Listening to her describe her life and how she came to quilting is inspiring. Do the work, do the work, do your own work! She did serious sewing of clothes and weaving before coming to quilting and was dedicated to each thing in turn.

Enjoy the video and tour of her studio and then go out and look for her in all your books and magazines. Thank you Yvonne for everything. And thanks for another reminder: Do the work, do the work, do my own work!

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