A Month of Writing – Poetry

I have kept going during NaPoWriMo and have settled in on writing sonnets again. Blank verse, unrhymed, non-anyone’s sonnet style but within the general format. It seems to be, like haiku, perfect length and presentation for many ideas. I enjoy having an idea and making it fit as best I can. (see also word sonnet)

A few days, I’ve gone back and re-read and thought – hmmm I like this. Some days, I’ve gone into the text file and made some notes or some corrections or changes.

Recently I started cross-posting from here to my wordpress.com site which I’d only had for answering other people’s questions about wordpress dot com blogging. What the heck, why not let these posts show up over there? It’s easier for people to follow blogs there and get emails about new posts. It’s an interesting notion since there’s no reflection in stats to show that interest, but there’s often notice to me of a “like” from one of these readers.

I’m glad to have new readers! Welcome and I hope you leave with a smile or having had a thoughtful moment. Enjoy!

This year I’m really feeling ready or more ready to share and discuss my poems with other people. Guess I’ll have to look into that at some point.

Onward and upwards for the last twelve days of April! Keep writing everyone.

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One Response to A Month of Writing – Poetry

  1. Betty Frezon says:

    Great job Mary Beth. Your work is inspiring. Thank you.

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