things that make you go – huh

Went to see a new doctor recently. Same practice, different doc. I asked who they had that was new because I needed a change. I got a younger woman who was ok Did a very quick, cursory physical. Declared my lungs clear and my back suspicious spot free. Asked about switching my meds to the by-mail plan that my insurance provides and I explained as best I could about how the process works. The doc allowed that she’d send one set of prescriptions to the local pharmacy and then await the digital request from the online process. She also asked if I needed nebulizer stuff. I didn’t have a nebulizer til a year ago when their urgent care sent me home with one but ok. And she wanted me to take the heavy duty vitamin D stuff, one a week for a couple months and then regular OTC. Personally I think D is the new drug du jour. Don’t go out in the sun, wear sunblock and take all this vitamin D.

A few days later I had the vitamin D, four BOXES of nebulizer stuff (one hundred treatments!) and an inhaler from the local pharmacy. I kept poking at the online thing and hoped it was going to tell me it had worked.

First a big package came with SIX inhalers. SIX! My understanding was that I was supposed to get a three month supply. A few days later I got three of the preventative drug that I really needed. That sort of confirmed the three month supply idea but what about the other one?

And that, boys and girls is how I went from needing prescriptions filled to getting a boatload of stuff for what it would cost for one month’s supply. Ummm thank you insurance company? Where to store it all…

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One Response to things that make you go – huh

  1. Betty says:

    Sounds like great service. All this is sounding great.

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