A Very Good Mail Day

Small box on front porch
inside reminders: freedom
hard won and maintained.

Thanks @WAMCradio for the tshirt and mug but mostly for being who you are – a strong center in a world that needs both news and arts. Also thanks for a World Peace Poetry postcard in the mail.

And according to one of those silly facebook quizzes, if you can’t find me, here’s where not to look (I’ll be the one wearing a First Amendment tshirt…)

One hour of life, crowded to the full with glorious action, and filled with noble risks, is worth whole years of those mean observances of paltry decorum, in which men steal through existence, like sluggish waters through a marsh, without either honour or observation. — Sir Walter Scott

This entry was posted in badass-ness, Do the Work, good causes, haiku, life on the web, RESIST, World Peace Poetry Postcards and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to A Very Good Mail Day

  1. Betty says:

    Oh dear. Hope I am with you. We sure know how to enjoy life.

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