Day Off For Chasing Clouds and Picasso

I went up a road I didn’t remember, looking for some clear view of some impressive morning clouds today. This took me away from my normal Stewart’s coffee but luckily brought me out to the Cumberland Farms in Stephentown which has Dunkin Donuts! What a treat. Since I was that far I went on over to the Clark. I lugged my stuff up the hill and painted for awhile, sitting on a rather soggy log (used the tripod sleeve as a seat though so it was all good.)

Treated myself to lunch – some delicious chicken curry, some watermelon and a great ginger molasses cookie.

This Flickr album has photos taken in the morning, atop the hill at The Clark and then on the way home.

Clouds 20 June 2017

After I trudged back down the hill and had my lunch, I toodled around in the galleries. Some of my favorites were on hiatus and the big piano has been moved to a special exhibit recreating more of the room it was in. An interesting history of its design and the people who’d come in contact with it.

The real reason for going to The Clark right now though is the exhibit of Picassos. Whoa. (The crowd response was not totally supportive. There were parents giving patient and perhaps too thorough explanations of reductive printing processes and Minotaurs. One man was overheard to say, ‘well what is the point of all this?’ and his companion said, ‘I don’t get it.’ I heard them both again in the parking lot assuring each other that they had a new appreciation for Picasso… OK then.) I’m going to try to get over some morning first thing. It’s in a space that feels small although it’s not cramped but I’d prefer to have less commentary and people reading the signage aloud. If not I’ll just use my headphones and don the “I’m rude and wearing my headphones so I don’t hear you” persona. What ever it takes.

I super loved the colorful prints at the end – some still life arrangements which just seemed to smack of everything Picasso. How confident and sure his marks were! The colors are much stronger than in the catalogue so go and enjoy them in person!

This entry was posted in Art in the world, clouds, en plein air, overhead, photography, taking time to look, the creative process, watercolor and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Day Off For Chasing Clouds and Picasso

  1. Betty Frezon Mom says:

    What a wonderful day off. Your own work should be exhibited some day. Your clouds are wonderful. Both photo ones and your water color ones. Getting ready for 8:30 PT.

  2. AJ says:

    Wonderful day! Unknown road. Hill perfect for painting, if a bit soggy. De-lishious lunch. And then, The Clark and Picasso! More than enough for a number of days, for many people.

  3. AJ says:

    Some of those cloud photos all but stopped my heart with their beauty and drama.

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