Friday in New Zealand

Sort of squeaking this one in under the wire but hey, it was a pretty busy day! Got up and figured out a bus to take downtown. The bus ended at a terminal building where you can change buses but I started walking. It was only a few blocks and most of the morning commute was over. Saw some interesting things, new things, old things being fixed, and finally the Art Gallery. Went there because they had Matisse’s Jazz on display.

The lady who stowed my backpack said – oh yes but do see the other exhibits too. I did and it was great. Len Lye: Stopped by Wonder really did make me feel sometimes like a small child gaping up at the stars or a tree or something wonderful.

Upstairs there were wonderful paintings and sketches about landscape and place as well as another exhibit about sunlight.

Then it was off to the Canterbury Museum to hear Guy Fredericks speak about his work and his recent project, Postcards to Antarctica. I went to look at part of the exhibit afterwards and ended up chatting with his mother-in-law. Lovely woman. She sends a message out to the rest of the world: stop being in such a hurry. Slow down and be aware of what your actions do. Choose better.

Time to see some quilts and there were some in the area. How handy is that? There are quilt exhibits spread all over the city because the large convention center isn’t ready yet.

Spent some time afterwards in the Christchurch Botanial Gardens in the bedding area. So beautiful with so many types of flowers: tulips, oriental poppies, lilacs, azaleas, pansies, all sorts of bulbs. Lots and lots of forget-me-nots underneath classic red tulips.

Tonight dinner with other quilters at an excellent italian restaurant. Yummy!

We get to do it all again tomorrow.


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2 Responses to Friday in New Zealand

  1. Thanks for sharing… and a good reminder to be mindful everyday and take in what’s around us…

  2. Audrey Gorman says:

    What a wonderful day! Rich and wonder full. Yes. Stop being in such a hurry, people. Consider. Make considered, loving choices.

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