Day 6 NaPoWriMo

Saw this just before heading inside for work. I could have stayed longer and taken better video but… work.

First week of April
old snows have released
the remnants of last year
oak and maple and shrub
piled up and moldering, under trees
blurring curbs and corners
one dry breezy morning
they dance
like the scratchy pinwheels
they are,
lifting with the beat,
a swift circle in a square
holding hands with the wind.
An early spring celebration
squashed later by more snow.

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6 Responses to Day 6 NaPoWriMo

  1. Kristin says:

    Both the video and the poem are so nice. “holding hands with the wind”

    A tiny little tornado, lifting the leaves. I think I have today’s poem idea

  2. Lovely glimpse and musing.

  3. Kristin says:

    Would you mind if I put your dancing leaf video on my blog with the poem it inspired? I would give you credit and add a link to your poem.

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