Day 8 NaPoWriMo

I suppose all fifteen year olds
want to be closer to god.
They’re at the center of things
and they have questions
as well as all the answers.
They go, with confidence,
they go looking,
sure they’ll find god.
Adults shake their heads
knowing the fall will come and
supposing that all 15 year olds
want to be closer to god
just as they did themselves
awhile back.
They shake their heads knowing
that they don’t have all
the answers, now or ever and
the questions only get harder and
they wish they were fifteen again
just for the wanting,
the moments of feeling the almost
the going out and looking.

My thoughts wandered off after hearing this very young pop singer talking about how she had miserable teen years, and then she obsessed about songwriting which brought her closer to god…

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2 Responses to Day 8 NaPoWriMo

  1. Kristin says:

    I don’t think I every thought I was the center of things, even when I was 15. Standing on the outside looking in. Or, more likely, looking past “in” to try and find a place. Your poems are so inspiring to my thoughts. :)

    • Mary Beth Frezon says:

      Thanks. Maybe there’s a dichotomy of 15 year olds? When I listened to this singer and granted she was being interviewed and asked about her life, she just seemed so self-absorbed and certain in a way that maybe only 15 year old can be.

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